- Autor: Duranowski Wojciech
- Załączniki:
Zobacz Pobierz Duranowski_The_Trailblazers_Spis_21_11_08.pdf Pobierz - ISBN: 978-83-7395-934-7, e-ISBN 978-83-7395-949-1
- ISSN: 1233-6408
- Format: B5
- Rok wydania: 2021
- Liczba stron: 96
- Oprawa: miękka
- Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Opolskiego
The aim of the book is to analyze the emerging market of online education in software programming. Traditional on-campus computer studies programs are not enough to upskill the masses of people who will need to transfer to technology jobs or jobs which are enriched with technology components. Therefore, new methods of software programming education are currently being tested in various ways. Most of the companies presented in this book have been less than 10 years in operation and they are constantly pivoting their business models. Investors are patient and belive that some of tchem will disrupt the educational market one day. While we are not certain which of these initiatives will prevail, the issue of upskilling of low-wage workers towards tech jobs or digitally transformed jobs is an urgent matter to tackle.
/z okładki/
Książka dostępna na ibuk.pl: https://www.ibuk.pl/fiszka/258667/he-trailblazers-of-educational-change-an-introductory-analysis-of-edtech-market-in-software-programming-educaton.html
- Autor: Platje Joost
- ISBN: 83-7395-224-1
- Format: B5
- Rok wydania: 2006
- Liczba stron: 204
- Oprawa:
- Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Opolskiego
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- Oprawa:
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- Liczba stron: 188
- Oprawa:
- Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Opolskiego
Rabat: 80%
3,78 zł*
- Autor: Duranowski Wojciech
- Załączniki:
Zobacz Pobierz Duranowski_The_Trailblazers_Spis_21_11_08.pdf Pobierz - ISBN: 978-83-7395-934-7, e-ISBN 978-83-7395-949-1
- ISSN: 1233-6408
- Format: B5
- Rok wydania: 2021
- Liczba stron: 96
- Oprawa: miękka
- Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Opolskiego